a Final Friday Show at Venue 222
featuring the work of local artists Margaret Rhein, Sara Caswell-Pearce, Diane Seeman, Barbara Stewart and Inside Out Studios.
a Final Friday Show at Venue 222
featuring the work of local artists Margaret Rhein, Sara Caswell-Pearce, Diane Seeman, Barbara Stewart and Inside Out Studios.
This link should take you to my 10 minute interview that aired Sunday night 4/27/14 with Barbara Gray on Around Cincinnnati, a weekly radio show featuring many unique cultural stories about the arts, music, literature, gardening and more.
I really appreciate having the opportunity to talk about my life in papermaking and my current projects. Hope you will take time to listen and let me know what you think! Barbara did an excellent job of interviewing me.
Stu and I hung my show featuring 18 handmade paper collages at Ruth’s Parkside Cafe in Northside yesterday and I feel it adds a lot of life to a very beautiful space. Since my art work in this show features many portraits in paper, it is a bit like seeing my imaginary family pictures on the walls. I am familiar with them all but wonder what others will think?
I will be having a special opening on Sunday May 18, from 3-5pm that you are all invited to attend. Ruth’s is closed for meals on Sunday’s so it will be open for a light reception in honor of my exhibition. The exhibit will continue through Saturday, June 28.
There is also another event happening in Northside on that date that you might be interested in as well. http://www.cincinnatiarts.org/events/detail/north-by-northside
Thanks for all the support and encouragement from my family and friends throughout my life as an artist.
The Weavers Guild of Greater Cincinnati (WGGC)
Opening- March 6, 2014 5:30pm- 6:30pm
Other opportunities for viewing the art-
Guild House will be open for visits by the public on March 9th, 1-4 p.m.
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10am – 1pm except closed March 4 and 6 or bad weather
Saturday, April 12th ArtsWave Sampler- 1-3pm
Margaret Rhein will have papermaking setup for participants to make paper
Closing- April 12, 2014 1-3pm
Weavers Guild of Greater Cincinnati